For a CNDH patient relations specialist, please email or call (580) 272-1037, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


"The Chickasaw Nation is committed to addressing the health care needs of First Americans throughout south-central Oklahoma and beyond. We are continuously motivated to enhancing services and offering new technologies to support the ongoing needs of our community. We remain dedicated to providing the best, most compassionate care possible, as well as offering quality programs and services, which focus on the overall health and fitness of those we serve."

- Governor Bill Anoatubby

Chickasaw Nation Mission

To enhance the overall quality of life of the Chickasaw people.

Health Talk

Dr. Tangra Broge discusses the importance of getting childhood immunizations to protect our children from preventable diseases. Vaccines are a highly effective, safe and easy way to keep families healthy.

The Chickasaw Nation Department of Health (CNDH) leaders support guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) when encouraging regularly scheduled vaccinations for children and adults. Contact your CNDH provider to discuss immunizations today.


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CNMC ED Services Recommended

We Are Quality Champions

The Chickasaw Nation Department of Health (CNDH) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of Chickasaw citizens and other First Americans by providing programs and services that promote overall health and wellness.

With a commitment to continuous expansion of resources, tribal leaders continue to take a proactive approach and look for innovative ways to meet the overall health and wellness needs of Chickasaw citizens, First Americans and the community.


Upcoming Events

 6:30 PM
 6:30 PM

Recruitment and Careers

Be a part of the mission at an award-winning workplace where innovation meets tradition, and the most important assets are our people. The Chickasaw Nation is a fiscally sound, service-oriented organization operated under a servant leadership model. With strategic planning and a wise approach to business, we continue to grow our operations, expanding our services and upholding our commitment to enhancing the overall quality of life of the Chickasaw people.

As an employee of the Chickasaw Nation, you will be expected to fulfill a specific need or task that assists in our continuous progression to an even brighter future.

It takes each and every Chickasaw Nation employee to enhance the overall quality of life of the Chickasaw people.

Learn More


Years of determination and successful economic initiatives have given the Chickasaw Nation the ability to provide accessible resources that now include: medical care, dentistry, nutrition, mental health, physical activity and wellness, substance abuse prevention, pharmacy and family services.


To ensure access to quality health care and serve the needs of Chickasaw citizens and First Americans, the Chickasaw Nation Department of Health offers comprehensive services at multiple locations throughout its 13-county treaty territory.

Public Health

The Chickasaw Nation Department of Health (CNDH) is dedicated to providing vital programs and services to promote and protect the health of Chickasaws, First Americans and community members.

Nutrition Programs

Committed to creating healthier generations of Chickasaw citizens, First Americans and surrounding communities, the Chickasaw Nation provides nutrition services and resources to end food insecurity for children, families and elders.